/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \file hash_val.h \brief contains functions used to compute hash values for variables Part of AMulet2.1 : AIG Multiplier Verification Tool. Copyright(C) 2020, 2021 Daniela Kaufmann, Johannes Kepler University Linz */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef AMULET2_SRC_HASH_VAL_H_ #define AMULET2_SRC_HASH_VAL_H_ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Fills a 32-bit array with 64-bit random numbers */ void init_nonces(); /** Returns the 64-bit random number in our array of random numbers @param index size_t @return returns the random number stored in nonces[index] */ uint64_t get_nonces_entry(size_t index); /** Computes the hash value for the given string @param str a const std::string @return a uint64_t computed hash value for the input string */ uint64_t hash_string(const std::string& str); #endif // AMULET2_SRC_HASH_VAL_H_