#!/bin/sh #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Used to generate 'build.hpp', which in turn is used in 'version.cpp' to # print compile time options, compiler version, and source code version. # If generating 'build.hpp' fails you can still compile 'version.cpp' by # using the '-DNBUILD' compile time option. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# die () { echo "make-build-header.sh: error: $*" 1>&2 exit 1 } warning () { echo "make-build-header.sh: warning: $*" 1>&2 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# [ ! -f VERSION -a ! -f ../VERSION ] && \ die "needs to be called from build sub-directory" [ -f makefile ] || \ warning "could not find 'makefile'" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The version. # VERSION="`cat ../VERSION`" if [ x"$VERSION" = x ] then warning "could not determine 'VERSION'" else echo "#define VERSION \"$VERSION\"" fi #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The unique GIT hash. # IDENTIFIER="`../scripts/get-git-id.sh`" if [ x"$IDENTIFIER" = x ] then warning "could not determine 'IDENTIFIER' (git id)" else echo "#define IDENTIFIER \"$IDENTIFIER\"" fi #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # C++ compiler 'CXX' used in 'makefile'. # COMPILER="`sed -e '/^CXX=/!d' -e 's,^CXX=,,' makefile 2>/dev/null`" case x"$COMPILER" in x*g++* | x*clang++*) COMPILER="`$COMPILER --version 2>/dev/null|head -1`";; *) COMPILER="";; esac if [ x"$COMPILER" = x ] then warning "could not determine 'COMPILER' ('CXX')" else echo "#define COMPILER \"$COMPILER\"" fi #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # C++ compiler flags 'CXXFLAGS' used in 'makefile'. # FLAGS="`sed -e '/^CXXFLAGS=/!d' -e 's,^CXXFLAGS=,,' makefile 2>/dev/null`" if [ x"$FLAGS" = x ] then warning "could not determine 'FLAGS' ('CXXFLAGS')" else echo "#define FLAGS \"$FLAGS\"" fi #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Use time of executing this script at build time. # LC_TIME="en_US" # Avoid umlaut in 'DATE'. export LC_TIME # The time and date we compiled the CaDiCaL library. DATE="`date 2>/dev/null|sed -e 's, *, ,g'`" OS="`uname -srmn 2>/dev/null`" DATE="`echo $DATE $OS|sed -e 's,^ *,,' -e 's, *$,,'`" if [ x"$DATE" = x" " ] then warning "could not determine 'DATE' (build date and time)" else echo "#define DATE \"$DATE\"" fi