2021-10-31 14:51:09 +08:00

91 lines
2.5 KiB

// Created by YuhangQ on 2021/10/9.
#include "collection.h"
Collection::Collection(const std::string &name, const int &firstPage) {
Logger::info<std::string, std::string>("load Collection: ", name);
tree = new BTree<3, std::string, 32>(firstPage);
void Collection::insert(nlohmann::json &json) {
//printf("fuck:%d\n", tree);
if(json["__INVO_ID__"].empty()) {
json["__INVO_ID__"] = generateUUID();
int add = PageManager::Instance().saveJSONToFile(json);
std::string id = json["__INVO_ID__"].get<std::string>();
tree->insert(id, add);
auto tjson = PageManager::Instance().readJSONFromFile(add);
Logger::info<std::string, std::string>("INSERT ", tjson.dump());
std::map<std::string, Collection*> Collection::map;
std::set<int> Collection::free;
void Collection::loadCollections() {
// 前四页为集合信息页
for (int id = 0; id < 4; id++) {
StoragePage page = PageManager::Instance().getPage(id);
PageManager::Instance().setPage(id, page);
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
int p = i * 32;
int len = strlen(&page[p]);
std::string name(&page[p], len > 28 ? 28 : len);
int firstPage = page.getIntStartFrom(p + 28);
// if free
if (firstPage == 0) free.insert(id * 32 + i);
// not free
else map.insert(make_pair(name, new Collection(name, firstPage)));
Logger::info<std::string, int>("Successfully load Collections: ", 128 - free.size());
Collection& Collection::createCollection(const std::string &name) {
// exist
if(map.count(name) != 0) {
throw "collection has already exist";
// no free line
if(free.size() == 0) {
throw "you are reach the max limit count of collections";
int id = *free.begin();
StoragePage page = PageManager::Instance().getPage(id / 32);
id %= 32;
StoragePage collectionPage = PageManager::Instance().getPage(PageManager::Instance().allocate());
if(name.size() > 28) {
throw "too long name of collection";
page.setStringStartFrom(id*32, name.c_str());
page.setIntStartFrom(id*32+28, collectionPage.getAddress());
Collection *col = new Collection(name, collectionPage.getAddress());
map.insert(make_pair(name, col));
return *col;
Collection &Collection::getCollection(const std::string &name) {
if(map.count(name) == 0) {
throw "no such collection";
return *map[name];