Instructions about how to compile and run CCAnr+cnc: Compile CCAnr+cnc: make Run CCAnr+cnc: ./CCAnr+cnc -inst <cnf_instance> -seed <seed> -cutoff_time <cutoff_time> -dynamic {0,1} ##0 indicates performing non-dynamic method; 1 indicates performing dynamic method -cnctimes <cnc_times> ##indicate the value of cnc_times underlying CCAnr+cnc -ls_no_improv_steps <MaxNoImprSteps> ##indicate the value of MaxNoImprSteps underlying CCAnr+cnc -swt_p <\rho> ##indicate the value of \rho underlying CCAnr -swt_q <q> ##indicate the value of q underlying CCAnr -swt_threshold <\gamma> ##indicate the value of \gamma underlying CCAnr