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2023-04-28 17:15:37 +08:00
#ifndef _CCA_H_
#define _CCA_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/times.h> //these two h files are for linux
#include <unistd.h>
// mersenne twist
typedef struct ccanr_randgen ccanr_randgen;
struct ccanr_randgen
unsigned mt[624];
int mti;
// Define a data structure for a literal in the SAT problem.
typedef struct lit lit;
struct lit {
int clause_num; //clause num, begin with 0
int var_num; //variable num, begin with 1
int sense; //is 1 for true literals, 0 for false literals.
typedef struct CCAnr CCAnr;
struct CCAnr{
/*parameters of the instance*/
int num_vars; //var index from 1 to num_vars
int num_clauses; //clause index from 0 to num_clauses-1
int max_clause_len;
int min_clause_len;
int formula_len;
double avg_clause_len;
double ratio;
int ave_weight; //significant score(sigscore) needed for aspiration
int delta_total_weight;
int threshold;
float p_scale;//w=w*p+ave_w*q
float q_scale;
int scale_ave;//scale_ave==ave_weight*q_scale
int q_init;
long long mems_left;
int max_tries;
int tries;
int max_flips;
int step;
int* score_inc_vars;
int* score_inc_flag;
int score_inc_count;
/* literal arrays */
lit** var_lit; //var_lit[i][j] means the j'th literal of var i.
int* var_lit_count; //amount of literals of each var
lit** clause_lit; //clause_lit[i][j] means the j'th literal of clause i.
int* clause_lit_count; // amount of literals in each clause
/* Information about the variables. */
int* score;
int* time_stamp;
int* fix;
int* cscc;
/* Information about the clauses */
int* clause_weight;
int* sat_count;
int* sat_var;
//unsat clauses stack
int* unsat_stack; //store the unsat clause number
int unsat_stack_fill_pointer;
int* index_in_unsat_stack;//which position is a clause in the unsat_stack
//variables in unsat clauses
int* unsatvar_stack;
int unsatvar_stack_fill_pointer;
int* index_in_unsatvar_stack;
int* unsat_app_count; //a varible appears in how many unsat clauses
//configuration changed decreasing variables (score>0 and confchange=1)
int* goodvar_stack;
int goodvar_stack_fill_pointer;
int* already_in_goodvar_stack;
//unit clauses preprocess
lit* unitclause_queue;
int unitclause_queue_beg_pointer;
int unitclause_queue_end_pointer;
int* clause_delete;
/* Information about solution */
char* cur_soln; //the current solution, with 1's for True variables, and 0's for False variables
ccanr_randgen randgen;
char* best_soln;
int best_cost;
// confl_trans
int* conflict_ct;
int in_conflict_sz;
int* in_conflict;
// preprocess
int fix_var_ct;
int del_cls_ct;
void init_CCAnr(CCAnr*);
void reinit_CCAnr(CCAnr*);
void confl_trans(CCAnr*);
bool local_search(CCAnr*);
int build_instance(CCAnr*,char *filename);
void print_solution(CCAnr*);
int verify_sol(CCAnr*);
void alloc_memory(CCAnr*);
void free_memory(CCAnr*);
void settings(CCAnr*, char*);
void ccanr_merseene_init(CCAnr*, int);
void update_after_build(CCAnr*);