#!/bin/sh if [ -t 2 ] then BOLD="\033[1m" GREEN="\033[1;32m" NORMAL="\033[0m" RED="\033[1;31m" YELLOW="\033[1;33m" else BOLD="" GREEN="" NORMAL="" RED="" YELLOW="" fi script=`basename $0` die () { echo "${BOLD}$script: ${RED}error:${NORMAL} $*" 1>&2 exit 1 } msg () { echo "$script: $*" 1>&2 } wrn () { echo "${BOLD}$script: ${YELLOW}warning:${NORMAL} $*" 1>&2 } force=no tar="" usage () { cat <<EOF usage: $script [-h|--help] [-f|--force][-t <file>] EOF exit 0 } while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage;; -f|--force) force=yes;; -t) shift [ $# = 0 ] && die "argument to '-t' missing" tar="$1" ;; *) die "invalid option '$1' (try '-h')";; esac shift done cd "`dirname $0`/.." [ -d .git ] || die "could not find '.git' directory" FULLID="`git show 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $2; exit}'`" [ "$FULLID" = "" ] && die "could not get full git ID ('git show' failed)" if git diff --quiet then CHANGES=no else CHANGES=yes fi if [ $force = yes ] then if [ $CHANGES = yes ] then wrn "uncommitted changes (but forced to continue)" else msg "no uncommitted changes (no need to use '-f')" fi else if [ $CHANGES = yes ] then die "uncommitted changes ('git commit' or '-f')" else msg "no uncommitted changes (as expected)" fi fi SHORTID="`echo $FULLID|sed -e 's,^\(........\).*,\1,'`" [ "$SHORTID" = "" ] && die "could not get short git ID" [ -f VERSION ] || die "could not find 'VERSION' file" VERSION="`cat VERSION`" [ "$VERSION" = "" ] && die "invalid 'VERSION' file" NAME=kissat-$VERSION-$SHORTID DIR=/tmp/$NAME ARCHIVE=/tmp/$NAME.tar.xz LIMIT=10 if false then msg CHANGES $CHANGES msg VERSION $VERSION msg FULLID $FULLID msg SHORTID $SHORTID msg NAME $NAME msg DIR $DIR msg ARCHIVE $ARCHIVE msg LIMIT $LIMIT fi if [ -d $DIR ] then msg "reusing '$DIR'" rm -rf $DIR/* else msg "new directory '$DIR'" mkdir $DIR || exit 1 fi msg "copying complete repository" git archive HEAD | tar -x -C $DIR msg "removing redundant files" rm $DIR/scripts/build-and-test-all-configurations.sh || exit 1 rm $DIR/scripts/make-source-release.sh || exit 1 rm $DIR/scripts/prepare-competition.sh || exit 1 rm $DIR/scripts/replace-terminated.sh || exit 1 rm $DIR/.gitignore || exit 1 rm $DIR/.vimdir || exit 1 sed -i -e "s,ID=unknown,ID=$FULLID," $DIR/scripts/generate-build-header.sh msg "removing CNF files with more than ${LIMIT}k bytes" find $DIR/test/cnf -size +${LIMIT}k -exec rm {} \; msg "generating archive '$ARCHIVE'" rm -f $ARCHIVE cd /tmp tar cJf $ARCHIVE $NAME || exit 1 msg "generated '${GREEN}$ARCHIVE${NORMAL}'" BYTES="`ls --block-size=1 -s $ARCHIVE 2>/dev/null |awk '{print $1}'`" msg "archive has $BYTES bytes" if [ "$tar" = "" ] then echo "$ARCHIVE" else echo "$ARCHIVE" > "$tar" msg "wrote archive name to '$tar'" fi exit 0