#include "test.h" #include "../src/handle.h" #include "../src/print.h" #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> #define MAX_JOBS (1u<<12) struct tissat_job { pid_t pid; unsigned id; int expected; bool executed; bool finished; char *command; char *application; void (*function) (void); tissat_job *dependency; const char *name; }; static tissat_job jobs[MAX_JOBS]; unsigned tissat_scheduled; static unsigned executed; static unsigned finished; static tissat_job * new_job (int expected) { if (tissat_scheduled == MAX_JOBS) tissat_fatal ("maximum number %u of scheduled jobs exhausted", MAX_JOBS); tissat_job *res = jobs + tissat_scheduled; res->id = tissat_scheduled++; res->expected = expected; return res; } void tissat_schedule_function (void (*function) (void), const char *name) { tissat_job *res = new_job (0); res->function = function; res->name = name; } tissat_job * tissat_schedule_application (int expected, const char *args) { tissat_job *res = new_job (expected); strcpy (res->application = malloc (strlen (args) + 1), args); return res; } tissat_job * tissat_schedule_command (int expected, const char *command, tissat_job * dependency) { tissat_job *res = new_job (expected); strcpy (res->command = malloc (strlen (command) + 1), command); res->dependency = dependency; return res; } static void execute_function (tissat_job * job) { tissat_section ("Executing Function '%s'", job->name); job->function (); } static void execute_application (tissat_job * job) { tissat_section ("Executing Application 'kissat %s'", job->application); tissat_call_application (job->expected, job->application); } static void check_command (tissat_job * job, int status) { assert (job); assert (job->command); if (WIFEXITED (status)) { int res = WEXITSTATUS (status); if (res == job->expected) tissat_verbose ("Command '%s' returned '%d' as expected.", job->command, res); else tissat_error ("Command '%s' returns '%d' and not '%d'", job->command, res, job->expected); } else if (WIFSIGNALED (status)) tissat_signal (WTERMSIG (status), "executing command '%s", job->command); else tissat_error ("Unexpected return status of command '%s'"); } static void check_function (tissat_job * job, int status) { assert (job); assert (job->function); if (status) tissat_error ("Function job '%s' failed with exit status '%d", job->name, status); } static void check_application (tissat_job * job, int status) { assert (job); assert (job->application); if (status) tissat_error ("Application job 'kissat %s' failed with exit status '%d", job->application, status); } static void execute_command (tissat_job * job) { tissat_section ("Executing Command '%s'", job->command); int status = system (job->command); if (status < 0) tissat_error ("Could not generate child process or retrieve status " "while trying to execute command '%s'", job->command); else if (status == 127) tissat_error ("Shell could not be executed in the child process " "while trying to execute command '%s'", job->command); else check_command (job, status); } static tissat_job *running_job; static void execute_job (tissat_job * job) { running_job = job; if (job->function) execute_function (job); else if (job->application) execute_application (job); else { assert (job->command); execute_command (job); } } static void handle_signal (tissat_job * job, int sig) { if (!job) tissat_signal (sig, "but could not find corresponding job"); else if (job->function) tissat_signal (sig, "in function '%s'", job->name); else if (job->command) tissat_signal (sig, "in command '%s'", job->command); else { assert (job->application); tissat_signal (sig, "in application 'kissat %s'", job->application); } } static void handle_exit (tissat_job * job, int status) { if (!job) tissat_fatal ("exit status '%d' " "but could not find corresponding job", status); if (job->function) check_function (job, status); else if (job->application) check_application (job, status); else check_command (job, status); } static void sequential_signal_handler (int sig) { kissat_reset_signal_handler (); tissat_restore_stdout_and_stderr (); if (!running_job) tissat_signal (sig, "but no job seems to run"); handle_signal (running_job, sig); } static void set_sequential_signal_handler (void) { kissat_init_signal_handler (sequential_signal_handler); } static void reset_signal_handler (void) { kissat_reset_signal_handler (); } static void sequential_progress (void) { if (!tissat_progress) return; printf ("sequential: executed %u, finished %u\n", executed, finished); fflush (stdout); } static void run_sequential_job (tissat_job * job) { executed++; sequential_progress (); tissat_divert_stdout_and_stderr_to_dev_null (); set_sequential_signal_handler (); execute_job (job); finished++; reset_signal_handler (); tissat_restore_stdout_and_stderr (); sequential_progress (); } static void run_parallel_job (tissat_job * job) { tissat_divert_stdout_and_stderr_to_dev_null (); execute_job (job); tissat_restore_stdout_and_stderr (); } #define all_jobs(JOB) \ tissat_job * JOB = jobs, * END_ ## JOB = JOB + tissat_scheduled; \ JOB != END_ ## JOB; \ JOB++ static void run_jobs_sequentially (void) { tissat_message ("Running %u jobs sequentially all in the same process.", tissat_scheduled); for (all_jobs (job)) run_sequential_job (job); } static unsigned search_executed; static tissat_job * find_executable_job (void) { while (assert (search_executed < tissat_scheduled), jobs[search_executed].executed) search_executed++; for (unsigned i = search_executed; i < tissat_scheduled; i++) { tissat_job *job = jobs + i; if (job->executed) continue; tissat_job *dependency = job->dependency; if (!dependency) return job; if (dependency->finished) return job; } return 0; } static tissat_job * find_executed_job (pid_t pid) { for (all_jobs (job)) if (job->executed && job->pid == pid) return job; return 0; } static void parallel_progress (unsigned running_jobs) { if (!tissat_progress) return; printf ("parallel: executed %u, finished %u, running %u\n", executed, finished, running_jobs); fflush (stdout); } static void run_jobs_in_parallel (unsigned parallel) { if (parallel == UINT_MAX) tissat_message ("Running %u jobs in parallel " "using arbitrary many processes.", tissat_scheduled); else tissat_message ("Running %u jobs in parallel using up to %d processes.", tissat_scheduled, parallel); unsigned running = 0; while (finished < tissat_scheduled) { tissat_job *job; if (running < parallel && executed < tissat_scheduled && (job = find_executable_job ())) { job->pid = fork (); if (job->pid < 0) tissat_fatal ("failed to fork job %zu", job->id); else if (!job->pid) { run_parallel_job (job); exit (0); } else { job->executed = true; executed++; running++; parallel_progress (running); } } else { int status; pid_t pid = waitpid (-1, &status, 0); if (pid < 0) tissat_fatal ("waiting on %u unfinished processes failed", executed - finished); tissat_job *other = find_executed_job (pid); if (WIFSIGNALED (status)) handle_signal (other, WTERMSIG (status)); else if (WIFEXITED (status)) handle_exit (other, WEXITSTATUS (status)); else tissat_fatal ("unexpected status '%d' of child process '%d'", status, pid); assert (other); other->finished = true; finished++; assert (running); running--; parallel_progress (running); } } assert (!running); } void tissat_run_jobs (int parallel) { if (!parallel) run_jobs_sequentially (); else run_jobs_in_parallel (parallel < 0 ? UINT_MAX : (unsigned) parallel); } void tissat_release_jobs (void) { for (all_jobs (job)) { if (job->command) free (job->command); if (job->application) free (job->application); memset (job, 0, sizeof *job); } tissat_scheduled = 0; }