#include "test.h" #include "../src/handle.h" #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> static void test_main_version (void) { const size_t len = strlen (tissat_root) + 32; char *cmd = malloc (len); sprintf (cmd, "%s/kissat --banner", tissat_root); tissat_verbose ("executing 'system (\"%s\")':", cmd); tissat_verbose (""); int wstatus = system (cmd); tissat_verbose (""); if (WIFSIGNALED (wstatus)) { const int sig = WTERMSIG (wstatus); const char *name = kissat_signal_name (sig); FATAL ("caught unexpected signal '%d' (%s) in 'system (\"%s\")'", sig, name, cmd); } else if (!WIFEXITED (wstatus)) FATAL ("could not get exit status of 'system (\"%s\")'", cmd); else { int status = WEXITSTATUS (wstatus); if (status) FATAL ("unexpected exit status '%d' of 'system (\"%s\")'", status, cmd); else tissat_verbose ("exit status '0' as expected"); } free (cmd); } #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE static void execute_solver_and_send_signal (int sig) { const size_t len = strlen (tissat_root) + 32; char *path = malloc (len); sprintf (path, "%s/kissat", tissat_root); const char *arg = "../test/cnf/hard.cnf"; tissat_verbose ("executing '%s %s'", path, arg); const char *name = kissat_signal_name (sig); tissat_verbose ("sending and catching signal %d ('%s')", sig, name); int child = fork (); if (child < 0) FATAL ("failed to fork child process"); else if (child) { const unsigned micro_seconds = 1e4 * (5 + (((unsigned) sig) % 10)); tissat_verbose ("sleeping %u micro seconds " "before sending signal '%d' (%s)", micro_seconds, sig, name); if (usleep (micro_seconds)) tissat_warning ("could not execute 'usleep' " "before sending signal '%d' (%s)", sig, name); else { if (kill (child, sig)) tissat_warning ("failed to send signal '%d' (%s)", sig, name); else { int wstatus; pid_t pid = waitpid (child, &wstatus, 0); if (pid != child) FATAL ("failed to wait on child process"); if (sig == SIGALRM) { if (WIFSIGNALED (wstatus)) { const int term_sig = WTERMSIG (wstatus); FATAL ("child terminated by signal '%d' (%s) " "but expected it to exit", term_sig, kissat_signal_name (term_sig)); } else if (!WIFEXITED (wstatus)) FATAL ("could not get exit status of child"); else { int status = WEXITSTATUS (wstatus); if (status) FATAL ("child exit status '%d' but expected '0'", status); else tissat_verbose ("child exit status '0' as expected"); } } else { if (WIFEXITED (wstatus)) FATAL ("child exited with '%d' " "but expected signal '%d' (%s)", WEXITSTATUS (wstatus), sig, name); else if (!WIFSIGNALED (wstatus)) FATAL ("child not signalled but expected signal '%d' (%s)", sig, name); else { int term_sig = WTERMSIG (wstatus); if (term_sig != sig) FATAL ("child terminated by signal '%d' (%s) " "and not as expected by '%d' (%s)", term_sig, kissat_signal_name (term_sig), sig, name); else tissat_verbose ("caught signal '%d' (%s) as expected", sig, name); } } } } } else { kissat_reset_signal_handler (); execl (path, path, arg, (char *) 0); exit (0); } free (path); } #ifdef ASAN #define SIGNALS \ SIGNAL(SIGABRT) \ SIGNAL(SIGALRM) \ SIGNAL(SIGINT) \ SIGNAL(SIGTERM) #else #define SIGNALS \ SIGNAL(SIGABRT) \ SIGNAL(SIGALRM) \ SIGNAL(SIGINT) \ SIGNAL(SIGSEGV) \ SIGNAL(SIGTERM) #endif #define SIGNAL(NAME) \ \ static void \ test_main_ ## NAME (void) \ { \ execute_solver_and_send_signal (NAME); \ } SIGNALS #undef SIGNAL #endif void tissat_schedule_main (void) { SCHEDULE_FUNCTION (test_main_version); #ifdef _POSIX_C_SOURCE if (tissat_found_test_directory) { #define SIGNAL(NAME) SCHEDULE_FUNCTION (test_main_ ## NAME); SIGNALS #undef SIGNAL } #endif }