/******************************************************************* * * M4RI: Linear Algebra over GF(2) * * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Martin Albrecht <martinralbrecht@googlemail.com> * * Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * version 2 or higher. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * The full text of the GPL is available at: * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * ********************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "m4ri_config.h" #if __M4RI_HAVE_SSE2 #include <emmintrin.h> #endif #include "ple_russian.h" #include "brilliantrussian.h" #include "graycode.h" #include "xor.h" #ifndef NDEBUG #include "mmc.h" #endif /** the number of tables used in PLE decomposition **/ #define __M4RI_PLE_NTABLES 8 ple_table_t *ple_table_init(int k, rci_t ncols) { ple_table_t *T = (ple_table_t*)m4ri_mm_malloc(sizeof(ple_table_t)); T->T = mzd_init(__M4RI_TWOPOW(k), ncols); T->M = (rci_t*)m4ri_mm_malloc(__M4RI_TWOPOW(k)*sizeof(rci_t)); T->E = (rci_t*)m4ri_mm_malloc(__M4RI_TWOPOW(k)*sizeof(rci_t)); T->B = (word*)m4ri_mm_malloc(__M4RI_TWOPOW(k)*sizeof(word) ); return T; } void ple_table_free(ple_table_t *T) { m4ri_mm_free(T->B); m4ri_mm_free(T->M); m4ri_mm_free(T->E); mzd_free(T->T); m4ri_mm_free(T); } static inline rci_t _max_value(rci_t *data, int length) { rci_t max = 0; for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { max = MAX(max, data[i]); } return max; } static inline void _kk_setup(int const kk, int const knar, int *k_, int *knar_, int const *pivots, int const ntables) { assert((ntables <= __M4RI_PLE_NTABLES) & (ntables > 0)); int lb[__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES], ub[__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES]; int rem = kk % ntables; int s = 1; switch(ntables) { case 8: k_[ntables - 8] = kk / ntables + ((rem >= (ntables - s++)) ? 1 : 0); knar_[7] = 0; assert((k_[ntables - 8] > 0)); case 7: k_[ntables - 7] = kk / ntables + ((rem >= (ntables - s++)) ? 1 : 0); knar_[6] = 0; assert((k_[ntables - 7] > 0)); case 6: k_[ntables - 6] = kk / ntables + ((rem >= (ntables - s++)) ? 1 : 0); knar_[5] = 0; assert((k_[ntables - 6] > 0)); case 5: k_[ntables - 5] = kk / ntables + ((rem >= (ntables - s++)) ? 1 : 0); knar_[4] = 0; assert((k_[ntables - 5] > 0)); case 4: k_[ntables - 4] = kk / ntables + ((rem >= (ntables - s++)) ? 1 : 0); knar_[3] = 0; assert((k_[ntables - 4] > 0)); case 3: k_[ntables - 3] = kk / ntables + ((rem >= (ntables - s++)) ? 1 : 0); knar_[2] = 0; assert((k_[ntables - 3] > 0)); case 2: k_[ntables - 2] = kk / ntables + ((rem >= (ntables - s++)) ? 1 : 0); knar_[1] = 0; assert((k_[ntables - 2] > 0)); case 1: k_[ntables - 1] = kk / ntables; knar_[0] = 0; assert((k_[ntables - 1] > 0)); } lb[0] = 0; ub[0] = k_[0]; for(int i = 1; i < ntables; i++) { lb[i] = lb[i-1] + k_[i-1]; ub[i] = ub[i-1] + k_[i]; } for(int i=0; i<knar; i++) { for(int j=0;j<ntables;j++) if (pivots[i] >= lb[j] && pivots[i] < ub[j]) { knar_[j]++; } } } int _mzd_ple_submatrix(mzd_t *A, rci_t const start_row, rci_t const stop_row, rci_t const start_col, int const k, mzp_t *P, mzp_t *Q, rci_t *pivots, rci_t *done, rci_t *done_row, wi_t const splitblock) { word bm[__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES * __M4RI_MAXKAY]; wi_t os[__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES * __M4RI_MAXKAY]; /* we're essentially constructing a submatrix but cheaply */ wi_t const width = A->width; rci_t const ncols = A->ncols; int const flags = A->flags; word high_bitmask = A->high_bitmask; if (A->width > splitblock) { A->width = splitblock; A->ncols = splitblock * m4ri_radix; A->flags &= mzd_flag_multiple_blocks; A->flags |= (mzd_flag_windowed_zerooffset | mzd_flag_windowed_zeroexcess); A->high_bitmask = m4ri_ffff; /* No need to set mzd_flag_windowed_ownsblocks, because we won't free A until it's elements are restored below. */ } int curr_pos; int rank = 0; for(curr_pos = 0; curr_pos < k; ++curr_pos) { os[curr_pos] = (start_col + curr_pos) / m4ri_radix; bm[curr_pos] = m4ri_one << ((start_col + curr_pos) % m4ri_radix); int found = 0; /* search for some pivot */ rci_t i; for(i = start_row + rank; i < stop_row; ++i) { word const tmp = mzd_read_bits(A, i, start_col, curr_pos + 1); if(tmp) { word *Arow = A->rows[i]; /* clear before but preserve transformation matrix */ for (rci_t l = 0; l < rank; ++l) if(done[l] < i) { if((Arow[os[pivots[l]]] & bm[pivots[l]])) mzd_row_add_offset(A, i, start_row + l, start_col + pivots[l] + 1); done[l] = i; /* encode up to which row we added for l already */ } if(mzd_read_bit(A, i, start_col + curr_pos)) { found = 1; break; } } } if (found) { P->values[start_row + rank] = i; mzd_row_swap(A, i, start_row + rank); Q->values[start_row + rank] = start_col + curr_pos; pivots[rank] = curr_pos; done[rank] = i; rank++; } } /* finish submatrix */ *done_row = _max_value(done, rank); for(rci_t c2 = 0; c2 < rank && start_col + pivots[c2] < A->ncols -1; ++c2) for(rci_t r2 = done[c2] + 1; r2 <= *done_row; ++r2) if(mzd_read_bit(A, r2, start_col + pivots[c2])) mzd_row_add_offset(A, r2, start_row + c2, start_col + pivots[c2] + 1); /* reset to original size */ A->ncols = ncols; A->width = width; A->flags = flags; A->high_bitmask = high_bitmask; __M4RI_DD_MZD(A); __M4RI_DD_MZP(P); __M4RI_DD_MZP(Q); __M4RI_DD_INT(curr_pos); return rank; } /* create a table of all 2^k linear combinations */ void mzd_make_table_ple(mzd_t const *A, rci_t r, rci_t writecol, int k, int knar, ple_table_t *table, rci_t *offsets, int base, rci_t readcol) { mzd_t *T = table->T; rci_t *E = table->E; rci_t *M = table->M; word *B = table->B; // Note that this restricts the number of columns of any matrix to __M4RI_MAX_MZD_BLOCKSIZE * // radix / twokay = 268 million. assert(!(T->flags & mzd_flag_multiple_blocks)); wi_t const writeblock = writecol / m4ri_radix; wi_t const readblock = readcol / m4ri_radix; assert(writeblock - readblock <= 1); int const twokay = __M4RI_TWOPOW(knar); wi_t const wide = T->width - writeblock; wi_t const count = (wide + 7) / 8; int const entry_point = wide % 8; wi_t const next_row_offset = writeblock + T->rowstride - T->width; word *a; word *ti1 = T->rows[0] + writeblock; word *ti = ti1 + T->rowstride; M[0] = 0; E[0] = 0; B[0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i < twokay; ++i) { T->rows[i][readblock] = 0; /* we make sure that we can safely add from readblock */ rci_t rowneeded = r + m4ri_codebook[knar]->inc[i - 1]; a = A->rows[rowneeded] + writeblock; /* Duff's device loop unrolling */ wi_t n = count; switch (entry_point) { case 0: do { *(ti++) = *(a++) ^ *(ti1++); case 7: *(ti++) = *(a++) ^ *(ti1++); case 6: *(ti++) = *(a++) ^ *(ti1++); case 5: *(ti++) = *(a++) ^ *(ti1++); case 4: *(ti++) = *(a++) ^ *(ti1++); case 3: *(ti++) = *(a++) ^ *(ti1++); case 2: *(ti++) = *(a++) ^ *(ti1++); case 1: *(ti++) = *(a++) ^ *(ti1++); } while (--n > 0); } ti += next_row_offset; ti1 += next_row_offset; /* U is a basis but not the canonical basis, so we need to read what element we just created from T */ E[ mzd_read_bits_int(T, i, writecol, k) ] = i; M[ m4ri_spread_bits(m4ri_codebook[k]->ord[i], offsets, knar, base) ] = i; } /* We need fix the table to update the transformation matrix correctly; e.g. if the first row has [1 0 1] and we clear a row below with [1 0 1] we need to encode that this row is cleared by adding the first row only ([1 0 0]). */ int const bits_to_read = MIN(m4ri_radix, T->ncols - readcol); for(int i = 1; i < twokay; ++i) { word const fix = m4ri_spread_bits(__M4RI_CONVERT_TO_WORD(m4ri_codebook[k]->ord[i]), offsets, knar, base); mzd_xor_bits(T, i, writecol, k, fix); B[i] = mzd_read_bits(T, i, readcol, bits_to_read); } __M4RI_DD_MZD(T); __M4RI_DD_RCI_ARRAY(E, twokay); __M4RI_DD_RCI_ARRAY(M, twokay); } #define N 2 #include "ple_russian_template.h" #undef N #define N 3 #include "ple_russian_template.h" #undef N #define N 4 #include "ple_russian_template.h" #undef N #define N 5 #include "ple_russian_template.h" #undef N #define N 6 #include "ple_russian_template.h" #undef N #define N 7 #include "ple_russian_template.h" #undef N #define N 8 #include "ple_russian_template.h" #undef N void _mzd_ple_a10(mzd_t *A, mzp_t const *P, rci_t const start_row, rci_t const start_col, wi_t const addblock, int const k, rci_t *pivots) { if(addblock == A->width) return; /* perform needed row swaps */ for(rci_t i = start_row; i < start_row + k; ++i) { _mzd_row_swap(A, i, P->values[i], addblock); } for(int i = 1; i < k; ++i) { word const tmp = mzd_read_bits(A, start_row + i, start_col, pivots[i]); word *target = A->rows[start_row + i]; for(int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { if((tmp & m4ri_one << pivots[j])) { word const *source = A->rows[start_row + j]; for(wi_t w = addblock; w < A->width; ++w) { target[w] ^= source[w]; } } } } __M4RI_DD_MZD(A); __M4RI_DD_MZP(P); } void _mzd_ple_a11_1(mzd_t *A, rci_t const start_row, rci_t const stop_row, rci_t const start_col, wi_t const addblock, int const k, ple_table_t const *T0) { wi_t const wide = A->width - addblock; if (wide <= 0) return; for(rci_t i = start_row; i < stop_row; ++i) { rci_t x0 = T0->M[mzd_read_bits_int(A,i,start_col, k)]; word const *s0 = T0->T->rows[x0] + addblock; word *t = A->rows[i] + addblock; _mzd_combine(t, s0, wide); } __M4RI_DD_MZD(A); } /* extract E from A for table creation */ mzd_t *_mzd_ple_to_e(mzd_t *E, mzd_t const *A, rci_t r, rci_t c, int k, rci_t *offsets) { /* this function call is now rather cheap, but it could be avoided completetly if needed */ rci_t startcol = (c / m4ri_radix) * m4ri_radix; mzd_submatrix(E, A, r, 0, r+k, A->ncols); for(rci_t i = 0; i < k; ++i) { for(rci_t j = startcol; j < c + offsets[i]; j+=m4ri_radix) mzd_clear_bits(E, i, j, MIN(c + offsets[i] - j, m4ri_radix)); } __M4RI_DD_MZD(E); return E; } /* method of many people factorisation */ rci_t _mzd_ple_russian(mzd_t *A, mzp_t *P, mzp_t *Q, int k) { rci_t const nrows = A->nrows; rci_t const ncols = A->ncols; rci_t curr_row = 0; rci_t curr_col = 0; rci_t done_row = 0; int knar = 0; /** compute good k **/ if(k == 0) { /* __M4RI_CPU_L2_CACHE == __M4RI_PLE_NTABLES * 2^k * B->width * 8 */ k = (int)log2((__M4RI_CPU_L2_CACHE/8)/(double)A->width/(double)__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES); rci_t const klog = round(0.75 * log2_floor(MIN(nrows, ncols))); if(klog < k) k = klog; if (k<2) k = 2; else if(k>8) k = 8; } int kk = __M4RI_PLE_NTABLES * k; assert(kk <= m4ri_radix); /** initialise permutations as identity **/ for(rci_t i = 0; i < ncols; ++i) Q->values[i] = i; for(rci_t i = 0; i < nrows; ++i) P->values[i] = i; ple_table_t *T[__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES]; for(int i=0; i<__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES; i++) T[i] = ple_table_init(k, ncols); mzd_t *U = mzd_init(kk, ncols); /* these are the elimination lookups */ rci_t *done = (rci_t*)m4ri_mm_malloc(kk * sizeof(rci_t)); rci_t *pivots = (rci_t*)m4ri_mm_malloc(kk * sizeof(rci_t)); /** * The algorithm proceeds as follows */ while(curr_col < ncols && curr_row < nrows) { if(curr_col + kk > ncols) kk = ncols - curr_col; /** * 1. compute PLE factorisation for the knar x knar submatrix A00 \verbatim m4ri_radix * splitblock -------------------------------------- | A00 | A10 | | | | -------------------------------------- knar | A01 | A11 | | | | -------------------------------------- done_row | A02 | A12 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------- \endverbatim */ /* + 8 blocks comes from 64 byte cache line, rest is minimum required and maximum possible */ wi_t splitblock = MIN( MAX( (curr_col + kk) / m4ri_radix + 1, (curr_col / m4ri_radix) + 8 ), A->width ); knar = _mzd_ple_submatrix(A, curr_row, nrows, curr_col, kk, P, Q, pivots, done, &done_row, splitblock); /** * 2. update A10 */ _mzd_ple_a10(A, P, curr_row, curr_col, splitblock, knar, pivots); /** * 3. extract U from A0 = (A00 | A10) */ _mzd_ple_to_e(U, A, curr_row, curr_col, knar, pivots); // treat no-pivot-was-found case if (knar == 0) { curr_col += kk; curr_row += knar; rci_t i = curr_row; rci_t j = curr_col; int found = mzd_find_pivot(A, curr_row, curr_col, &i, &j); if(found) { P->values[curr_row] = i; Q->values[curr_row] = j; mzd_row_swap(A, curr_row, i); wi_t const wrd = j / m4ri_radix; word const bm = m4ri_one << (j % m4ri_radix); if (j + 1 < A->ncols) for(rci_t l = curr_row + 1; l < nrows; ++l) if(A->rows[l][wrd] & bm) mzd_row_add_offset(A, l, curr_row, j + 1); curr_col = j + 1; ++curr_row; } else { break; } continue; } int k_[__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES], knar_[__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES], ntables = 0; if (__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES >= 8 && kk >= 7*k && kk >= 8) ntables = 8; else if (__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES >= 7 && kk >= 6*k && kk >= 7) ntables = 7; else if (__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES >= 6 && kk >= 5*k && kk >= 6) ntables = 6; else if (__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES >= 5 && kk >= 4*k && kk >= 5) ntables = 5; else if (__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES >= 4 && kk >= 3*k && kk >= 4) ntables = 4; else if (__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES >= 3 && kk >= 2*k && kk >= 3) ntables = 3; else if (__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES >= 2 && kk >= k && kk >= 2) ntables = 2; else ntables = 1; _kk_setup(kk, knar, k_, knar_, pivots, ntables); /** * 4. generate multiplication and inversion tables T amd E from U */ rci_t i_knar = 0; rci_t i_curr_col = curr_col; rci_t *i_pivots = pivots; int i_base = 0; for(int i=0; i<ntables; i++) { mzd_make_table_ple(U, i_knar, i_curr_col, k_[i], knar_[i], T[i], i_pivots, i_base, curr_col); i_knar += knar_[i]; i_curr_col += k_[i]; i_pivots += knar_[i]; i_base += k_[i]; } switch(ntables) { case 8: /** * 5. update A1 = (A01 | A11) */ _mzd_ple_a11_8(A, curr_row + knar , done_row + 1, curr_col, splitblock, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); /** * 6. update A2 = (A02 | A12) */ if (done_row < nrows) _mzd_process_rows_ple_8(A, done_row + 1, nrows, curr_col, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); break; case 7: _mzd_ple_a11_7(A, curr_row + knar , done_row + 1, curr_col, splitblock, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); if (done_row < nrows) _mzd_process_rows_ple_7(A, done_row + 1, nrows, curr_col, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); break; case 6: _mzd_ple_a11_6(A, curr_row + knar , done_row + 1, curr_col, splitblock, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); if (done_row < nrows) _mzd_process_rows_ple_6(A, done_row + 1, nrows, curr_col, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); break; case 5: _mzd_ple_a11_5(A, curr_row + knar, done_row + 1, curr_col, splitblock, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); if (done_row < nrows) _mzd_process_rows_ple_5(A, done_row + 1, nrows, curr_col, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); break; case 4: _mzd_ple_a11_4(A, curr_row + knar, done_row + 1, curr_col, splitblock, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); if (done_row < nrows) _mzd_process_rows_ple_4(A, done_row + 1, nrows, curr_col, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); break; case 3: _mzd_ple_a11_3(A, curr_row + knar, done_row+1, curr_col, splitblock, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); if (done_row < nrows) _mzd_process_rows_ple_3(A, done_row + 1, nrows, curr_col, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); break; case 2: _mzd_ple_a11_2(A, curr_row + knar, done_row+1, curr_col, splitblock, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); if(done_row < nrows) _mzd_process_rows_ple_2(A, done_row + 1, nrows, curr_col, k_, (const ple_table_t**)T); break; case 1: _mzd_ple_a11_1(A, curr_row + knar, done_row+1, curr_col, splitblock, kk, T[0]); if(done_row < nrows) mzd_process_rows(A, done_row + 1, nrows, curr_col, kk, T[0]->T, T[0]->E); break; default: m4ri_die("ntables = %d not supported.\n",ntables); } curr_col += kk; curr_row += knar; } /* Now compressing L */ for (rci_t j = 0; j < curr_row; ++j){ if (Q->values[j] > j) { mzd_col_swap_in_rows(A, Q->values[j], j, j, curr_row); } } mzp_t *Qbar = mzp_init_window(Q, 0, curr_row); mzd_apply_p_right_trans_even_capped(A, Qbar, curr_row, 0); mzp_free_window(Qbar); mzd_free(U); for(int i=0; i<__M4RI_PLE_NTABLES; i++) { ple_table_free(T[i]); } m4ri_mm_free(done); m4ri_mm_free(pivots); __M4RI_DD_MZD(A); __M4RI_DD_MZP(P); __M4RI_DD_MZP(Q); __M4RI_DD_RCI(curr_row); return curr_row; } rci_t _mzd_pluq_russian(mzd_t *A, mzp_t *P, mzp_t *Q, int const k) { rci_t r = _mzd_ple_russian(A, P, Q, k); mzd_apply_p_right_trans_tri(A, Q); return r; }