61 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File
61 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File
# /bin/bash
# run_parallel.sh: Use this script to launch Docker container
# for parallel Mallob. Arguments:
# $1: docker image name (assumes a "leader" tag)
# $2: formula file (relative to HOST_RUNDIR)
# check number arguments
if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
echo "run_parallel.sh: needs two arguments: <docker_image_name> <formula file>"
exit 1
# user config
# config to match other scripts
# summary
echo "run_parallel.sh, running with"
echo " node type: $NODE_TYPE"
echo " docker network: $DOCKER_NETWORK"
echo " docker image: $1:$NODE_TYPE"
echo " formula file: $HOST_RUNDIR/$2"
echo " host rundir: $HOST_RUNDIR"
echo " docker rundir: $DOCKER_RUNDIR"
# does host directory exist?
if [[ ! -d "$HOST_RUNDIR" ]]; then
echo "ERROR - unable to reach host run directory '$HOST_RUNDIR'"
exit 1
# does formula file exist?
if [[ ! -f "$HOST_RUNDIR/$2" ]]; then
echo "ERROR - unable to read formula file '$HOST_RUNDIR/$2'"
exit 1
# create input.json
echo -e "{\n\"formula_file\": \"$DOCKER_RUNDIR/$2\",\n\"worker_node_ips\": [\"leader\"]\n}" > "$HOST_RUNDIR/input.json"
# Run docker image as container. Arguments:
# -i // keep STDIN open even if not attached
# --shm-size=XXg // setting up shared memory (for clause DB)
# // default (1G?) is too small
# --network mallob-test // use the Docker bridge network called 'mallob-test'
# --entrypoint bash // when the container starts, it runs bash
# --rm // remove the docker container when exiting
# -v // mount $HOST_RUNDIR in the host filesystem at '/$DOCKER_RUNDIR' in docker image
# -t // Docker image name for leader (script hard-codes 'leader' tag)
# -c <bash_command> // gets passed to bash shell
docker run -i --shm-size=32g --name $NODE_TYPE --network $DOCKER_NETWORK --entrypoint bash --rm -v $HOST_RUNDIR:/$DOCKER_RUNDIR -t $1:$NODE_TYPE -c "/competition/init_solver.sh; exec bash"