184 lines
4.7 KiB
184 lines
4.7 KiB
#ifndef _BASIS_PMS_H_
#define _BASIS_PMS_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/times.h> //these two h files are for timing in linux
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
#define mypop(stack) stack[--stack##_fill_pointer]
#define mypush(item, stack) stack[stack##_fill_pointer++] = item
const float MY_RAND_MAX_FLOAT = 10000000.0;
const int MY_RAND_MAX_INT = 10000000;
const float BASIC_SCALE = 0.0000001; //1.0f/MY_RAND_MAX_FLOAT;
// Define a data structure for a literal.
struct lit
int clause_num; //clause num, begin with 0
int var_num; //variable num, begin with 1
bool sense; //is 1 for true literals, 0 for false literals.
static struct tms start_time;
static double get_runtime()
struct tms stop;
return (double)(stop.tms_utime - start_time.tms_utime + stop.tms_stime - start_time.tms_stime) / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
static void start_timing()
class Satlike
/***********non-algorithmic information ****************/
int problem_weighted;
int partial; //1 if the instance has hard clauses, and 0 otherwise.
int pure_sat;
int max_clause_length;
int min_clause_length;
//size of the instance
int num_vars; //var index from 1 to num_vars
int num_clauses; //clause index from 0 to num_clauses-1
int num_hclauses;
int num_sclauses;
//steps and time
int tries;
int max_tries;
unsigned int max_flips;
unsigned int max_non_improve_flip;
unsigned int step;
int print_time;
int cutoff_time;
int prioup_time;
double opt_time;
/**********end non-algorithmic information*****************/
/* literal arrays */
lit **var_lit; //var_lit[i][j] means the j'th literal of var i.
int *var_lit_count; //amount of literals of each var
lit **clause_lit; //clause_lit[i][j] means the j'th literal of clause i.
int *clause_lit_count; // amount of literals in each clause
/* Information about the variables. */
long long *score;
long long *time_stamp;
int **var_neighbor;
int *var_neighbor_count;
int *neighbor_flag;
int *temp_neighbor;
/* Information about the clauses */
long long top_clause_weight;
long long *org_clause_weight;
long long total_soft_weight;
long long *clause_weight;
int *sat_count;
int *sat_var;
long long *clause_selected_count;
int *best_soft_clause;
//original unit clause stack
lit *unit_clause;
int unit_clause_count;
//unsat clauses stack
int *hardunsat_stack; //store the unsat clause number
int *index_in_hardunsat_stack; //which position is a clause in the unsat_stack
int hardunsat_stack_fill_pointer;
int *softunsat_stack; //store the unsat clause number
int *index_in_softunsat_stack; //which position is a clause in the unsat_stack
int softunsat_stack_fill_pointer;
//variables in unsat clauses
int *unsatvar_stack;
int unsatvar_stack_fill_pointer;
int *index_in_unsatvar_stack;
int *unsat_app_count; //a varible appears in how many unsat clauses
//good decreasing variables (dscore>0 and confchange=1)
int *goodvar_stack;
int goodvar_stack_fill_pointer;
int *already_in_goodvar_stack;
/* Information about solution */
int *cur_soln; //the current solution, with 1's for True variables, and 0's for False variables
int *best_soln;
int *local_opt_soln;
int best_soln_feasible; //when find a feasible solution, this is marked as 1.
int local_soln_feasible;
int hard_unsat_nb;
long long soft_unsat_weight;
long long opt_unsat_weight;
long long local_opt_unsat_weight;
//clause weighting
int *large_weight_clauses;
int large_weight_clauses_count;
int large_clause_count_threshold;
int *soft_large_weight_clauses;
int *already_in_soft_large_weight_stack;
int soft_large_weight_clauses_count;
int soft_large_clause_count_threshold;
//tem data structure used in algorithm
int *best_array;
int best_count;
int *temp_lit;
//parameters used in algorithm
float rwprob;
float rdprob;
float smooth_probability;
int hd_count_threshold;
int h_inc;
int softclause_weight_threshold;
//function used in algorithm
void build_neighbor_relation();
void allocate_memory();
bool verify_sol();
void increase_weights();
void smooth_weights();
void update_clause_weights();
void unsat(int clause);
void sat(int clause);
void init(vector<int> &init_solution);
void flip(int flipvar);
void update_goodvarstack1(int flipvar);
void update_goodvarstack2(int flipvar);
int pick_var();
void settings();
void build_instance(char *filename);
void local_search(char *inputfile);
void local_search_with_decimation(char *inputfile);
void simple_print();
void print_best_solution();
void free_memory();