2023-02-14 16:58:22 +08:00

389 lines
10 KiB

#ifndef _BUILD_H_
#define _BUILD_H_
#include "basis_pms.h"
Satlike::Satlike() {}
void Satlike::settings()
cutoff_time = 60;
if (problem_weighted == 1)
max_tries = 100000000;
max_flips = 200000000;
max_non_improve_flip = 10000000;
large_clause_count_threshold = 0;
soft_large_clause_count_threshold = 0;
rdprob = 0.01;
hd_count_threshold = 15;
rwprob = 0.1;
smooth_probability = 0.01;
if ((top_clause_weight / num_sclauses) > 10000)
h_inc = 300;
softclause_weight_threshold = 500;
h_inc = 3;
softclause_weight_threshold = 0;
if (num_vars > 2000)
rdprob = 0.01;
hd_count_threshold = 15;
rwprob = 0.1;
smooth_probability = 0.0000001;
max_tries = 100000000;
max_flips = 200000000;
max_non_improve_flip = 10000000;
large_clause_count_threshold = 0;
soft_large_clause_count_threshold = 0;
rdprob = 0.01;
hd_count_threshold = 42;
rwprob = 0.091;
smooth_probability = 0.000003;
h_inc = 1;
softclause_weight_threshold = 400;
if (num_vars < 1100) //for somall instances
h_inc = 1;
softclause_weight_threshold = 0;
rdprob = 0.01;
hd_count_threshold = 15;
rwprob = 0;
smooth_probability = 0.01;
void Satlike::build_neighbor_relation()
int i, j, count;
int v, c, n;
int temp_neighbor_count;
for (v = 1; v <= num_vars; ++v)
neighbor_flag[v] = 1;
temp_neighbor_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < var_lit_count[v]; ++i)
c = var_lit[v][i].clause_num;
for (j = 0; j < clause_lit_count[c]; ++j)
n = clause_lit[c][j].var_num;
if (neighbor_flag[n] != 1)
neighbor_flag[n] = 1;
temp_neighbor[temp_neighbor_count++] = n;
neighbor_flag[v] = 0;
var_neighbor[v] = new int[temp_neighbor_count];
var_neighbor_count[v] = temp_neighbor_count;
count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < temp_neighbor_count; i++)
var_neighbor[v][count++] = temp_neighbor[i];
neighbor_flag[temp_neighbor[i]] = 0;
void Satlike::build_instance(char *filename)
istringstream iss;
string line;
char tempstr1[10];
char tempstr2[10];
ifstream infile(filename);
if (!infile)
cout << "c the input filename " << filename << " is invalid, please input the correct filename." << endl;
/*** build problem data structures of the instance ***/
while (getline(infile, line))
if (line[0] == 'p')
int read_items;
num_vars = num_clauses = 0;
read_items = sscanf(line.c_str(), "%s %s %d %d %lld", tempstr1, tempstr2, &num_vars, &num_clauses, &top_clause_weight);
if (read_items < 5)
cout << "read item < 5 " << endl;
int v, c;
for (c = 0; c < num_clauses; c++)
clause_lit_count[c] = 0;
clause_lit[c] = NULL;
for (v = 1; v <= num_vars; ++v)
var_lit_count[v] = 0;
var_lit[v] = NULL;
var_neighbor[v] = NULL;
int cur_lit;
c = 0;
problem_weighted = 0;
partial = 0;
num_hclauses = num_sclauses = 0;
max_clause_length = 0;
min_clause_length = 100000000;
unit_clause_count = 0;
int *redunt_test = new int[num_vars + 1];
memset(redunt_test, 0, sizeof(int) * num_vars + 1);
//Now, read the clauses, one at a time.
while (getline(infile, line))
if (line[0] == 'c')
iss.seekg(0, ios::beg);
clause_lit_count[c] = 0;
iss >> org_clause_weight[c];
if (org_clause_weight[c] != top_clause_weight)
if (org_clause_weight[c] != 1)
problem_weighted = 1;
total_soft_weight += org_clause_weight[c];
partial = 1;
iss >> cur_lit;
int clause_reduent = 0;
while (cur_lit != 0)
if (redunt_test[abs(cur_lit)] == 0)
temp_lit[clause_lit_count[c]] = cur_lit;
redunt_test[abs(cur_lit)] = cur_lit;
else if (redunt_test[abs(cur_lit)] != cur_lit)
clause_reduent = 1;
iss >> cur_lit;
if (clause_reduent == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < clause_lit_count[c]; ++i)
redunt_test[abs(temp_lit[i])] = 0;
clause_lit_count[c] = 0;
clause_lit[c] = new lit[clause_lit_count[c] + 1];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < clause_lit_count[c]; ++i)
clause_lit[c][i].clause_num = c;
clause_lit[c][i].var_num = abs(temp_lit[i]);
redunt_test[abs(temp_lit[i])] = 0;
if (temp_lit[i] > 0)
.sense = 1;
clause_lit[c][i].sense = 0;
clause_lit[c][i].var_num = 0;
clause_lit[c][i].clause_num = -1;
if (clause_lit_count[c] == 1)
unit_clause[unit_clause_count++] = clause_lit[c][0];
if (clause_lit_count[c] > max_clause_length)
max_clause_length = clause_lit_count[c];
if (clause_lit_count[c] < min_clause_length)
min_clause_length = clause_lit_count[c];
//creat var literal arrays
for (v = 1; v <= num_vars; ++v)
var_lit[v] = new lit[var_lit_count[v] + 1];
var_lit_count[v] = 0; //reset to 0, for build up the array
//scan all clauses to build up var literal arrays
for (c = 0; c < num_clauses; ++c)
for (int i = 0; i < clause_lit_count[c]; ++i)
v = clause_lit[c][i].var_num;
var_lit[v][var_lit_count[v]] = clause_lit[c][i];
for (v = 1; v <= num_vars; ++v)
var_lit[v][var_lit_count[v]].clause_num = -1;
best_soln_feasible = 0;
void Satlike::allocate_memory()
int malloc_var_length = num_vars + 10;
int malloc_clause_length = num_clauses + 10;
unit_clause = new lit[malloc_clause_length];
var_lit = new lit *[malloc_var_length];
var_lit_count = new int[malloc_var_length];
clause_lit = new lit *[malloc_clause_length];
clause_lit_count = new int[malloc_clause_length];
score = new long long[malloc_var_length];
var_neighbor = new int *[malloc_var_length];
var_neighbor_count = new int[malloc_var_length];
time_stamp = new long long[malloc_var_length];
neighbor_flag = new int[malloc_var_length];
temp_neighbor = new int[malloc_var_length];
org_clause_weight = new long long[malloc_clause_length];
clause_weight = new long long[malloc_clause_length];
sat_count = new int[malloc_clause_length];
sat_var = new int[malloc_clause_length];
clause_selected_count = new long long[malloc_clause_length];
best_soft_clause = new int[malloc_clause_length];
hardunsat_stack = new int[malloc_clause_length];
index_in_hardunsat_stack = new int[malloc_clause_length];
softunsat_stack = new int[malloc_clause_length];
index_in_softunsat_stack = new int[malloc_clause_length];
unsatvar_stack = new int[malloc_var_length];
index_in_unsatvar_stack = new int[malloc_var_length];
unsat_app_count = new int[malloc_var_length];
goodvar_stack = new int[malloc_var_length];
already_in_goodvar_stack = new int[malloc_var_length];
cur_soln = new int[malloc_var_length];
best_soln = new int[malloc_var_length];
local_opt_soln = new int[malloc_var_length];
large_weight_clauses = new int[malloc_clause_length];
soft_large_weight_clauses = new int[malloc_clause_length];
already_in_soft_large_weight_stack = new int[malloc_clause_length];
best_array = new int[malloc_var_length];
temp_lit = new int[malloc_var_length];
void Satlike::free_memory()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < num_clauses; i++)
delete[] clause_lit[i];
for (i = 1; i <= num_vars; ++i)
delete[] var_lit[i];
delete[] var_neighbor[i];
delete[] var_lit;
delete[] var_lit_count;
delete[] clause_lit;
delete[] clause_lit_count;
delete[] score;
delete[] var_neighbor;
delete[] var_neighbor_count;
delete[] time_stamp;
delete[] neighbor_flag;
delete[] temp_neighbor;
delete[] org_clause_weight;
delete[] clause_weight;
delete[] sat_count;
delete[] sat_var;
delete[] clause_selected_count;
delete[] best_soft_clause;
delete[] hardunsat_stack;
delete[] index_in_hardunsat_stack;
delete[] softunsat_stack;
delete[] index_in_softunsat_stack;
delete[] unsatvar_stack;
delete[] index_in_unsatvar_stack;
delete[] unsat_app_count;
delete[] goodvar_stack;
delete[] already_in_goodvar_stack;
//delete [] fix;
delete[] cur_soln;
delete[] best_soln;
delete[] local_opt_soln;
delete[] large_weight_clauses;
delete[] soft_large_weight_clauses;
delete[] already_in_soft_large_weight_stack;
delete[] best_array;
delete[] temp_lit;